Not long ago,
I polled a conference of 150 men with this question, "When you were growing up, did your father talk to you helpfully about girls and sexuality?" Only 2 men raised their hands.
At another conference of 350 fathers, I asked, "When you became a dad for the first time, did your own father come alongside you with some help, encouragement, support, or advice - maybe call you up, come visit you, or write you a letter?" Only five hands.
If you're wondering why men's sexuality is out of control and why men feel inadequate as fathers, here's where we start. Not to judge or curse your father, but to face your wound as every generation must, including your son's. Then, to go to Jesus for healing and see Dad as God sees him, to forgive and honor him. Then, at last, to go to Father God to get what no human father can give, and become the man you're called to be.
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