Introduction: Bad Angels
Part 1 The Call: Engaging the Mystery 1. Drafted by God 2. Called by Name 3. Confirmed by the Body
Part 2 The Journey: Entering the Battle But the Fighter Still Remains: From Peace Marcher to …? Jesus, the Warrior King Meeting the Enemy: A First Skirmish The Bible as War Story My Battle Partner, the Paraclete Power in the Blood Under Attack On Your Guard: Unmasking False Prophets Sabbatical Rest—or Boot Camp? The Weapon of Fasting Norwegian Bivouac: Of Heritage and Destiny
Part 3 The Lessons: Winning the War
1. How Demons Enter—and Leave a. Generational/bloodline b. Emotional trauma c. Indulged sinful habits d. Invitation/occult experiences e. One-flesh/sexual union f. Other means
2. “Kick Me” Spirits
Once entered, a demon broadcasts, attracting responses according to its nature which perpetuate its destruction. An abused child, e.g., can receive a spirit of abuse, which beckons others to abuse the person later as an adult.
3. Letters from a Spiritual Warrior
a. To a young seminary graduate seeking to serve a spiritually alert congregation b. To a church member who asked, "What does the Bible say about fortunetelling, astrology, and things like that?" c. To a pastor indignant that I have warned him against astrology d. To a local newspaper columnist who has reported on his visit to a psychic e. To a seminary professor who asks, "Why must you insist on Jesus in your prayers for healing?" f. To the mother of a child molested by Satan worshippers g. To the president of a church-related college hosting a conference of occult practicioners h. Second letter to same college president, after he graciously dismisses my warning and re-schedules the occult conference the following year.
4. Final Considerations